How to transfer airtime on MTN

Whatsup guys, welcome to information central, today we will be looking at how to transfer airtime on MTN, many people today will agree with me that MTN is probably one of the best,if not the best network provider in Nigeria, or the most popular at least.

Many service providers are adapting to this present era of advanced information transmission. MTN is not left out in this trend as they have developed a platform for sharing airtime called MTN Share. This is what we will be discussing today.

I bet you have been in a situation where you need airtime for something urgently and you happen to find yourself in a place that will make it impossible for you to purchase.if you happen to find yourself in such a situation, what do you do? Well it isn’t as complex as you might imagine you just need to ask your friend to transfer airtime using MTN share.

And don’t worry in case you don’t know how to do it we will explain in details how it can be done cos that’s what we do here at Information Central.

Before we continue , Incase you’re still in doubt, Yes you can transfer airtime on MTN but we would like to explain the steps as well as the terms involved in this before we head into the article proper let’s get a full understanding of what we are dealing with.


What do you know about M.T.N? Probably some common knowledge, but here at information central we believe that is not enough so let’s give a brief break down on M.T.N.

Meaning of MTN

MTN is an acronym meaning Mobile Telephone Network.

Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) is a South Africa-based multinational mobile telecommunications company, operating majorly in African countries including Nigeria. MTN headquarter is located in Johannesburg, South Africa. However in recent times MTN Nigeria has been said to have become more independent.

Know that we know what MTN means, may we begin proper.

What you stand to learn from this article.

Below is a list of information you stand to gain from reading this article.

1. How to transfer airtime on MTN,

2.  code to transfer airtime on MTN,

3.  how to send airtime from MTN to MTN,

4. Can you transfer airtime from MTN to other networks ?

5. What is MTN Share

6. Steps to using MTN share

7. How to Change Transfer Pin on Mtn.

8. Things to Know About Airtime Transfer.

9. How can I get the MTN Credit Transfer Pin?

10. What is the MTN Airtime Default PIN

On this note I would like to advice you not to skip any part of this article as every piece of information it contains has its validity and significance.

How to share airtime on mtn

Airtime can be explained as the unit used in measuring the amount of time spent transmitting information on mobile devices. This time is measured by the network provider who in this case is MTN who then calculates the respective billing charge. Airtime can be used to make and recive phone calls among other things like sending emails and data files.

In a situation where one wishes to send ,gift or share his or her airtime with someone else, the MTN share service also called the MTN share’N’sell becomes necessary as it is fast and easy to use.

This service is quite extraordinary and mind-blowing as it breaks the barriers in information transmission as it helps in sending airtime or credit as it is fondly called between MTN Lines.

This service is available for both MTN prepaid and postpaid.

The MTN pin is 0000 and you need it in order to transfer airtime to another MTN!

Similar to your bank transfer pin your airtime transfer pin as the name suggests should be kept secret therefore it is imperative that we explain how to costumise your pin from the default.

How to change MTN credit Transfer PIN.

There are two ways to change MTN transfer PIN, which are as follows:

Changing the MTN transfer pin by sending sms or text message and;

Changing the MTN transfer PIN by dialing the USSD code.

Both methods are effective and easy to use but we’ve gone ahead to explain them in the article to ensure you make the right choice.

Changing your MTN Airtime Transfer PIN via SMS(text message)

Send an SMS containing “your default PIN[space]New PIN[space]New PIN” to 777.

Take for example;

Your default PIN is 0000 and your new pin is 3456.

You will send 0000 3456 3456to 777.

After which you should receive an SMS notification.

Changing your MTN Transfer PIN via USSD Code

Dial *777*Default PIN*New PIN*New PIN# on your phone.

Take for example;

Your default PIN is 0000 and your new pin is 3456.

You will dial *777*0000*3456*3456# on your phone.

Or alternatively just dial *777# and follow the instructions which come up after.

Once you change your PIN, an SMS will be sent to you informing you that you have successfully changed your Transfer PIN.

Now that we have learnt how to change the pin, next we get down to business proper.

Terms and conditions for MTN Share

* You can only transfer a maximum of #100,000.00 daily

* You have an unlimited number of transfers daily.

* A fee is paid per transfer ;you can only be charged a maximum of N10 per transfer.

* The minimum amount that can be transferred is N50.

* You can only transfer between the same network. E.g Mtn – Mtn , Glo-Glo.

* The default transfer pin is 0000

* You can only transfer in whole numbers

* You can transfer between N50.00 – N5,000.00 per  transaction.

* For post paid costumers you cannot make transfers when your balance is negative.

MTN Transfer codes

For  the USSD format the code is *600#

For SMS or text message the code is 777

To use any of these codes just follow these easy steps.

For the SMS Method.

Send Transfer*space*Recipient’s Number*space*Airtime Amount*space*Transfer PIN to 777.

For example:

You wish to send N1000 airtime to 07012345678 and your Transfer PIN is 3456

You send “Transfer 07012345678 1000 3456″ to 777.

The USSD Code method.

Dial *600*Recipient’s Number*Airtime Amount*Transfer PIN#

For example: You wish to send N1000 airtime to 07012345678 and your Transfer PIN is 3456

 Just dial, *600*07012345678*1000*3456#

After which you will receive an SMS notification informing you on the success status.

As I stated earlier airtime transfer attracts a fee depending on how much is being transferred.below you will see a break down of how the fees are allotted

* Transfers from N50 to N100 costs N3

* Transfers from N101 to 500 costs N5

* Transfers from N501 to 5000 costs N10

That’s all from us here on MTN airtime transfer and I am certainly certain that we have fed you’re curiosity cos that’s what we do here at information central.

Thanks for investing your time wisely.

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