Today on information central we shall be looking at the the time difference between nigeria and australia
Explanation of the time difference between nigeria and australia
The time difference between nigeria and australia is about 9 hours.
There are two times zones in australia, australian eastern standard time and australian western standard time.
Australia uses three main time zones: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST; UTC+08:00), Australian Central Standard Time (ACST; UTC+09:30), and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST; UTC+10:00). Time is regulated by the individual state governments, some of which observe daylight saving time (DST). Australia’s external territories observe different time zones.
During the usual periods of DST, the three standard time zones in Australia become five zones. This includes the areas that do not observe DST: Western Australia (UTC plus 08:00), the Northern Territory (UTC plus 09:30), and Queensland (UTC plus 10:00).
In large countries, this cannot be achieved either. In Brazil, for example, there are 3 different time zones within the country, in the USA 6 and in Russia even 11. Australia has 5 time zones which, depending on the part of the country, are not even separated hourly and do not all have a daylight saving time.
How does Australia daylight saving times affects the time difference between nigeria and australia
Australia observes daylight saving time from First Sunday October to First Sunday April. Since the clock is advanced by one hour during this period, the time difference between the two countries will reduce by that much time. DST is accounted for in the current time shown below.
In geographically small countries such as the United Kingdom with only a small east-to-west extension regularly only one time zone is taken. In much broader countries like the US or Russia, time zones row side by side and in different parts of the country there are different times.
Daylight saving time (+1 hour) is used in jurisdictions in the south and south-east: South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory. It is not currently used in Western Australia, the Northern Territory or Queensland.
Since 1899, the only major changes in Australian time zones have been setting of clocks half an hour later than Eastern time (GMT plus 10:30) on the territory of Lord Howe Island, and Norfolk Island changing from UTC+11:30 to UTC+11:00 on 4 October 2015.
When the Northern Territory was separated from South Australia and placed under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, the Territory kept Central Standard Time. Likewise, when the ACT and Jervis Bay Territory were broken off from New South Wales, they retained Eastern Standard Time.
The colonies enacted time zone legislation, which took effect in February 1895. The clocks were set ahead of GMT by 8 hours in Western Australia; by 9 hours in South Australia (and the Northern Territory, which it governed); and by 10 hours in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. The three time zones became known as Western Standard Time, Central Standard Time, and Eastern Standard Time. Broken Hill in the far west of New South Wales (strictly speaking, the county of Yancowinna) also adopted Central Standard Time due to it being connected at the time by rail to Adelaide but not Sydney.
When abbreviating “Australian Central Time” and “Australian Eastern Time”, in domestic contexts the leading “Australian” may be omitted; however, the prefix “A” is often used to avoid ambiguity with the time zone abbreviations “CST” and “EST”
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