Apply- Cisco Global Citizen Youth Leadership Award 2023

Cisco Global Citizen Youth Leadership Award 2023

Cisco Global Citizen Youth Leadership Award 2023

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Application Deadline: 20th January 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT.

About the Award:

The fourth annual Global Citizen Prize: Cisco Youth Leadership Award, which honours a young change-maker between the ages of 18 and 30 who has used an original approach to problem-solving and who has significantly advanced the cause of ending poverty in their community, is now accepting applications, according to the international advocacy group Global Citizen and their global technology partner Cisco.

The Global Citizen Prize: Cisco Youth Leadership Award was established in 2018 to recognise the impact that young people are having on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the speed of global problem-solving. The award recognises a person between the ages of 18 and 30 who has made a significant contribution to the fight against extreme poverty via their leadership, commitment, and ingenuity. It comes with a $250,000 cash reward that goes to the organisation that the recipient supports.

Cisco Global Citizen Youth Leadership Award 2023

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Five equally weighted criteria—impact, vision, catalyst, global citizenship, and technology innovation—will be used to evaluate candidates. Candidates will be judged by a panel of experts from Global Citizen, Cisco, and renowned activists and figures in the field of international development if they are chosen as finalists.

Young people are the influential, tenacious, and resolute spirits that the world needs right now to fight poverty, demand fairness, and protect the environment, as the previous few years have shown. Young change-makers have made the world aware of what matters most and have helped emphasise what needs to be done to eradicate extreme poverty, whether it has been via their advocacy for climate policy reform or protection of their local communities from damaging disparities.

Type: Award

Eligibility: The Global Citizen Prize: Cisco Youth Leadership Award honors an individual aged 18-30 who has contributed meaningfully towards the goal of ending extreme poverty.

Selection Criteria:

  • Impact
  • Vision
  • Catalyst
  • Global Citizenship
  • Technology Innovation

Eligible Countries: We accept applications from every country or organisation in the world, with the exception of those who may have their transfer of Prize money restricted by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) or other US government agencies due to financial or other penalties.

Number of Awards: 1

Value of Award: The award includes a US$250,000 prize paid to the organization to which the individual contributes.

How to Apply for Global Citizen Cisco Youth Leadership Award: APPLY NOW

  • It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Visit Award Webpage for Details

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Cisco Global Citizen Youth Leadership Award 2023


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