In parties, festivities, home gatherings, holidays e.t.c. food is one very essential part of them all.One of the most important of them all is the staple chin chin as We call it in Nigeria.
Yes chin chin is what I said have you ever wondered how your favourite cubiod party snack is being made ?
I know what you might be thinking say no more as ininformation central will answer your question today.
Chin Chin is a donut dough based pastry which involves deep frying the dough in vegetable or groundnut oil after it has been cut into a cuboid shape.
It can be said to be similar to a very popular Scandinavian dish called klenàt meaning ” angel wings ” .
In order to prepare the perfect minimie chin chin you will surely need some assorted ingredients. Some of these are:
1.Flour: In order to prepare minimie chin chin floor is a must used.
2. Sugar: Sugar as the basic sweetener is also essential.
3. Butter : butter is also very important to making chin chin.
4. Milk : this also is essential to make the perfect minimie chin chin.
5. Vegetable oil : of course vegetable oil is necessary to fry the chin chin in.
Optional ingredients include:Eggs,nutmeg,baking powder and flavour.
Steps to prepare the chin chin
1. Sugar,flour,nutmeg and baking powder should be mixed in a clean bowl
2. Melt your butter, pour your milk and break your eggs into the powder to form a firm dough.
3. Knead the dough formed for about five to ten minutes.
4. Then the kneaded dough is to be rolled out on a board or just any thin surface till its suitably thin.
5. You are free to cut the flat dough into any shape or size you want.
6. Heat your oil in a frying pan PR preferably use a deep fryer to fry the cut dough.
7. After you fry the dough make sure it is as hard as you like before removing it from the oil.
8. Allow to cool down .
9. Your favourite minimie chin chin is ready to serve.
Our chin chin is best preserved in an airtight container for it to last as long as possible.
no need to worry about rats and cockroaches.
to know if minimie chin chin is fried or baked click here