5 facts about mangala fish you must know

What is Mangala fish?

Mangala” does not refer to a particular fish, but to a method. Shallow water fish are cut into pieces before smoking rather than smoked whole. Fish under this name are smoked in northern Nigeria, so are larger freshwater fish, including knifefish and various catfish.

What is ASA fish called in English?

Eja osan fish is called asa fish in Igbo, dansarki in hausa ; it is called names like aba aba knifefish, african knifefish, frankfish, fresh water rat tail in some parts of the world.

How do you smoke fish?

Preheat your smoker or grill and add the wood chips. Smoke the fish between 175°F and 200°F, cooking fish all the way through to an internal temperature of 160°F. If you’re wondering about how long to smoke fish, plan on smoking the fish for about three hours.

Which fish is Eja Osan?

The African knifefish known as Eja Osan- Yoruba, Azu Asa- Igbo and Dansarki- Hausa is a prized component of the Nigerian seafood cuisine. At fresh To Dommot we source for our fishes from the best. Our African knifefish is fresh with a moist, soft and delicate taste that can be paired with any meal or enjoyed alone.

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