What makes Harmattan different from other seasons.(2022)

its the period we call harmattan here in northern Nigeria. This article will talk about What makes Harmattan different from other seasons.Important !!!!! : How to know if your PVC is ready


I stayed in south western Nigeria for like 3 years and I have not witnessed the kind if harmattan I do experience here.


So before we get into it let us familiarize ourselves with some key terms.

  • Harmattan – I will just describe harmattan as cold weather which is categorized with heavy dust.What makes Harmattan different from other seasons


What makes Harmattan different from other seasons

  1. Decrease in temperature – Harmattan comes with low temperatures that is categorized by cold.  The cold is really serious that people usually switch off their fridges. If you cook your food , just with a period of three (3) hours your food will become frozen. It is only the brave that bath with cold water. This cold is accompanied with diseases like cough and catarrh. One thing I like about the cold is that makes me sleep comfortable in the night. So if you are planning to travel to northern Nigeria around November period make sure you come prepared with your sweater, jacket or Cardigans. A word they say is enough for the wise.
  2. Heavy dust storms – Harmattan in northern Nigeria comes heavy dust storms. You might think that you are in the Sahara desert. That’s why when you check how people dress, you will notice nose masks, hijabs, nikabs, socks or stockings and long sleeve shirts. The reason is to cover up themselves as much as possible. A situation whereby after you finish bathing and then you go outside only to find out that dust has covered all over your body is the reason behind all this protection. Me personally, I don’t like this dust at all. It means there has to be frequent cleaning of our surroundings.
  3. Reduction of moisture content in the environment – During Harmattan everywhere is dry. This includes lips and our bodies. That is even if you are not a fan rubbing cream, you will have to be forced because your leg and all your body will be white. It also the time were electric outbreaks and fire disasters are prominent. It is often advised that you don’t leave naked wires open during this period. This low moisture content is also responsible for the shocking that goes on among people which we often refer to as static electricity. What makes Harmattan different from other seasons


How to prepare for What makes Harmattan different from other seasons

Now that you know some of the things that makes Harmattan different from other seasons, let us look at some preparatory guidelines.

  1. Proper clothing – As discussed earlier you have to have dress for the season. Appropriate dressing for this whether include : sweaters, Cardigans, jackets, head warmers etc
  2. Stay indoors – If you have nothing to do I strongly recommend you stay indoors. This is not the period for unnecessary gallivanting.

I believed you enjoyed this article on What makes Harmattan different from other seasons.

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